Monday, June 14, 2010

Missy's Belly Pictures

I have been waiting to take Missy's pregnant belly pictures for a VERY long time and was so super excited to finally get the opportunity. Missy is a really great friend and Missy and Jesse have been really loyal in supporting my photography business. I am so excited and anxious to meet this new little member of the Platt family. Missy is 39 weeks pregnant here.

So happy that they didn't find out what they were having so I could take this really cool shot.

This baby is going to be so loved!

Kenton's Head Shots

Kenton contacted me and wanted me to do head shots for him as he was applying to several acting schools. The following are just a few of the more than 650 shots that I took. It was really hard to narrow it down to just these ones. Good luck Kenton with your career!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Hilton's

This shoot was my coldest one yet! It was -22C and snowing when we took these photos. And yes, we started outside and with no coats, until the little ones were ice cubes and couldn't handle the cold anymore. We then moved inside my living room and used the windows to get the best light we could get. I prefer to work with only natural lighting, but was pleasantly surprised with how the inside pictures turned out. Thanks Hilton family for being such troopers!
Loved the Canada shirts on this family...especially since they are American!
One of the few photos we took with coats on.
Clay and Baby Clay
Gracie loved having her picture taken.
Ivy - yes that really is snow falling in her hair.
Little man Clay, who really didn't appreciate the cold but was sure happy once he got inside, warmed up and able to run around. What a cutey!

Anna was such a quiet little sweetie!

Our Family Photo 2009

I thought I would share our family photo for 2009.


I was so excited to do this photo shoot with my girls and their cousins. The girls all had some really great ideas they wanted to try and I can see this turning into a regular event for these girls.

Fall Photo Shoot with My Girls

This has to be my absolute favourite new place to shoot photos. I haven't had the opportunity to use it very often, but had to take my girls there for a shoot. It was quite cool that morning (note the snow in the fore ground), but not unreasonable...until you got under the bridge by the pillars and then the area turned into a wind tunnel and was absolutely freezing!! My girls were such troopers to let me take as many pictures as I did