Friday, October 2, 2009

Jesse, Missy and Kate

This was my third photo shoot with my friend, Missy and one of my most exciting. We both had a lot of new ideas we wanted to try out, and I love that they were willing to do the crazy things
I asked of walk down and sit in the middle of the road. Fortunately, it was reasonably early in the day and there wasn't a lot of traffic. And that Jesse was willing to let us graffiti a wall for them, even though he is the youth pastor and it wouldn't set a very good example! (We removed the evidence before we left ;) I had so much fun hanging out with you guys again and I can't wait for our next shoot together!

My beautiful friend!

Future tagger? ;) This was the only way to get her back into the shot.

She's running to get the "spider" off of Jo's head.
Love You! She was not very happy with her mommy for writing on her hands.

Little Miss Kate...always on the go. We were lucky if we got one or two good shots and then she was off and running again.

This shot is one of my favourites and it was a total fluke. It was suppose to be a shot of just Missy and Jesse together when Kate flopped herself down in front of them. I managed to snap off this was the only good one I got of them like this.

Jesse reading from the bible to Kate.

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