Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Owen, Alison and Ashlyn

This family was such a good sport during their photo shoot. It was so cold, the wind cut right through us and we really did freeze this poor little baby. But they were such troopers, and allowed me to take a ton of pictures. By the end Ashlyn had had enough and was not going to have her picture taken unless she was wrapped in a blanket and cuddled by Mom or Dad, not that I blame her, and we even managed to get great photos like that. What a beautiful family! I had a great time meeting and hanging out with them.
Frozen baby!

Ashlyn has the absolute best laugh!! You can't help but laugh listening to her. She loves her dog, Tucker and Dad kept throwing rocks so Tucker would chase them and keep Ashlyn entertained so she would laugh at him. Made for some great shots.

I love how Ashlyn and Tucker are looking at each other in this picture.

One of the few shots we were able to get Tucker to sit still for.

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